Thursday, April 15, 2010

LiFe Is So GrEaT... BuT nOt PeRfEcT

I guess the greatest gift that we were given as a human, we were given life, right? So why do so many of us hurt and do awful, awful things to one another? I know, I know... you will beat yourself up wondering why people do the things they do...but come on, I NEVER thought FAMILY would be like this? I laugh at that word (FAMILY).
I was raised in a WONDERFUL family, HAD a great so called perfect life growing up. As a kid I was made to believe that life was easy and simple and NOTING was hard... that is until I moved out and had my own little family. What I can't understand is how those (family) teach and raise you to be one way and then when you get older and move out they totally are different people and go against everything you were ever taught. See, that's where I'm at now... I always thought when you got to be an adult your family gets closer, the fighting stops, and you lose all your friends; so therefor your family is your complete 100% support. I remember when I was a kid I would picture this.. I would be going home every weekend/holidays for our family dinners, sitting around the dinner table laughing and playing with kids... LOL!! WHAT A JOKE THAT IS!! How is it that some people grow up and some never do... I have all these unanswered questions about family and no one to answer them... Is everyone's family dis functional or just mine? Is your family as conniving, back stabbing, and childish as mine? I know I'm not the only person with a problem here... what really kills me is "mind games" why must so many people play games? why can't you just say what you mean to say and do what you say your going to do? I have a so called sistering law that all I can say about her is WOW.. she says and I quote "If I say it behind your back I will say it to your face." As I'm sitting here writing that sentence all I can do is laugh at what she would say... because A LOT of people including her say they are honest and truthful and would never hurt you but the truth is before they will come forward and say anything to your face they will first say it to everyone else, make stories up, and most definitely make you look like your a bad person and always at fault... those are the people who really need to wake up "LOOK" in the mirror; and are very, very two faced. I always say "there's TWO sides to a story, and BOTH people are NEVER right." Meaning if two people are fighting then they both did something if they were fighting in the first place. Now, I'm not saying I'm perfect... if anything I'm far from it... I've done my fair share of stupid shit. I know for a fact that if I'm truly wrong I can be the BIGGER person "an adult" and say I'm sorry... I also know that an adult doesn't start stupid little kid drama or mind games over NOTHING; and this is where I'm getting at... So my question for all of you is have you ever had a family member who always does or starts stupid stuff for no apparent reason at all? If you have, does anyone know why people especially family members would do this? I always thought family members would always be there for you through thick and thin no matter what... but, in reality "I feel" like I can NOT trust anyone especially family.. it seems they will burn you first the quickest and the hardest... I don't have the energy nor the time to play anymore games or fight with anyone over anything any longer.. either be true or BE GONE.. So I leave you with this... Life is and always will be great but far from perfect.. P.S- to that so called family I'm writing about.. I am NOT, have NOT, Will Not, & NEVER will be scared of you!!